Siúlach Scéalach 4 h

Welcome to your Siúlach Scéalach 4 h

Complete the sentences with the words from the list.

1. Dá mbeadh orm, bheadh cuma an-snasta orm. (...I would look very smart.)

2. Dá mbeadh agam, thógfainn bothán ag cúl an tí. (...I would build a shed at the back of the house.)

3. Dá mbeadh agam, chuirfinn bláthanna agus crainn. (...I would plant flowers and trees.)

4. Dá mbeadh agam, cheannóinn teach ollmhór faoin tuath. (...I would buy a very big house in the country.)

5. Dá mbeadh agam, réiteoinn béile deas Iodálach duit. (...I would fix you a nice Italian meal.)

6. Dá mbeadh agam, dhéanfainn cúrsa Fraincise. (...I would do a French course.)

7. Dá mbeadh agam, rachainn ag rothaíocht ag an deireadh seachtaine. (...I would go cycling at the weekend.)

8. Dá mbeadh  orm, bheadh cuma shean orm. (...I would look old.)

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