
Complete these sentences with verbal nouns from this page

1. Beidh Ciara ag abhaile amárach. (Ciara will be coming home tomorrow.)

2. Tá Síomóin ag a chuid bricfeasta. (Síomóin is eating his breakfast.)

3. Bíonn mo chuid gruaige de shíor ag os comhair mo shúile. (My hair is always falling over my eyes.)

4. Cathain a bheidh tú ag ar saoire? (When will you be going on holiday?)

5. Bhí an múinteoir ag amach dúinn sa chlós. (The teacher was giving out to us (i.e. chastising us) in the yard.)

6. Téimis ag ar an trá! (Let's go walking on the beach!)

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